More than 200 years ago, Samuel Hahnemann, a German medical doctor, made an astounding discovery. His breakthrough finding was that you could take any substance—any substance—and turn it into an antidote! In other words, if some toxic chemical had harmed you, you could turn that very substance into a neutralizing antidote.

If we stop to think about it, this is the very thing allergy doctors do. They take a sample of pollen, food or some other irritant, dilute it in liquid according to a certain procedure, and then give it back to you as a shot. This system of allergy management was developed out of homeopathy in the 1830's. [1] It was based on what Dr. Hahnemann had brilliantly discovered in the late 18th century.

It was shown that, using Dr. Hahnemann's method, people could make antidotes out of toxins and poisons. For example, they could make an antidote for snake venom. Or by making an antidote of rotten egg salad, probably containing some poisonous bacteria, people could fight off the bacteria simply by putting some of the liquid antidote on their skin and under their tongue. The antidote effectively neutralized the poison or toxin and all symptoms would go away!

Dr. Hahnemann's discovery became known as homeopathy. In the old days, homeopathic antidotes were made by hand. This was a laborious process that involved diluting a toxin or poison in water and then shaking it. You had to repeat this dilution/shaking procedure again and again. Eventually you could convert your toxic substance into an antidote.

Today, thousands of books on homeopathy exist in dozens of languages, and the science is practiced worldwide.

Today, also, this lengthy dilution-shaking process can be accomplished with The Mender™ in just ten seconds! 

[1] Reilly, D.T., The Lancet , October, 1986, page 885, "Homeopathic physicians were using potentized pollen-containing extracts in hay fever at least twenty years before Noon introduced injections [for allergies] in 1911."

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